It’s February and I have Grade 8 ELLs going to Secondary School! What do I do?

It is that time of year when Grade 8’s have to make that (sometimes) daunting choice of where they will go to school in Grade 9.  For ELLs, this task can be complicated by two factors:

1) The student’s STEP levels indicate a need for ESL/ELD programming.

2) The student’s desire to attend the closest school to their home and/or attend the same high school as their friends.

This BLOG’s intent is to demystify the choices and provide some clear guidelines for recommending the best secondary placement for your ELLs.  We hope to accomplish this by answering Frequently Asked Questions about transitioning ELLs to Grade 9.

I have an ELL in my classroom who is ESL STEP 4, 5 or 6. Do they have to go to an ESL Secondary School?

No, ELLs who have met level 4, 5 or 6 are considered capable of handling mainstream courses. It is recommended that they select courses using the same process as their non-ELL classmates. Their courses should be selected with their classroom teacher, as ELLs can absolutely take academic courses if recommended.

If a lower STEP ELL (1 or 2) wants to go to a Secondary School where there is no ESL support what should I do?

It will be necessary to meet with the student’s guardians to share STEP levels and student work samples in order to clearly suggest ESL/ELD placements. It would be helpful to give the student the ELL Transition Assessment. Please speak to an ESL/ELD teacher or TOSA about completing this assessment. Planning a visit to the recommended secondary school with the student and parent can also ease concerns and questions.

Support staff will be able to assist with helping students and guardians make informed decisions (i.e. ESL/ELD TOSA and/or Learning Coordinator). The school’s SWIS can offer assistance as well with transition planning.

If a family indicates they are registering at a secondary school without the recommended ESL/ELD courses, please contact the receiving school’s Guidance Department. They will need to monitor the student in September.

Finally, help the students select the best suited courses at their chosen secondary school.

Where are the ESL/ELD Secondary Schools?

The following schools offer ESL and ELD programs (A-E):

In London:  Beal, Montcalm and Westminster

In Oxford and Elgin counties: Huron Park (Woodstock) and East Elgin (Aylmer)

The following schools offer ESL only programs (C-E):

Banting, Lucas, Saunders, Laurier SS, Medway SS and Oakridge SS

Do ELLs have to take French in Secondary School?

Yes, French is required for all Ontario students. There is a specialized course for students with no previous education in French. It is offered in some secondary schools with ESL or ELD programs. Please check with the Guidance Department of the receiving ESL/ELD secondary school.

Are there other support classes for ELLs in Secondary School in addition to ESL classes?

Yes, sometimes GLE courses are offered to ELL who might require that course. Please check with the Guidance Department of the receiving Congregated or Home ESL secondary school.

Can an ELL take Academic courses?

Yes, if the student has selected Academic courses and is taking ESL C (STEP 2) or higher-level English courses, they are capable of succeeding in academic level courses.

ELD, ESL A or ESL B students are recommended to take sheltered courses at their congregated ESL/ELD school and bridge to mainstream classes when their language proficiency has increased.

Do you have a question that you do not see here and want answered? Please contact Mary Roes, Learning Supervisor for ESL/ELD programming or speak to your school-based ESL/ELD teacher or TOSA.


Thank you to Jim Benincasa for his contributions to create this post.

3 thoughts on “It’s February and I have Grade 8 ELLs going to Secondary School! What do I do?

  1. THANK YOU JIM for this very timely blog as we continue to support our TVDSB ELLs to choose their courses that will set them up for greatest success! I love the question-answer format to this blog which allows answers to specific questions to be easily found! Nice work!

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